local and international chapters

opening a chapter

  1. Contact the Chief Executive Director for information, if interested in wanting to  establish “The  Great Lakes Chapter in your respective countries, regional or provincial.
  2. Review the whole guide 
  3. Read more on the new chapter before you can inquire/call or and ask us, there are main prerequisites: (5) chapter Members/Leaders that are identified, with good skills and who are experienced to run Great Lakes chapter in any country, in good standing with the Government of that country.   No one will be allowed to hijack the organization or benefit themselves, our chapters help and support vulnerable community members, with the use of local available resources, and promoting programs and or activities that will be sustainable.  (Own bank Account, that we shall be allowed to review when need be, and reporting to us on the progress of the activities/events and programs.  
  4.  The roles of Chapter Country Manager, Assistant Manager, Social Media Manager, Assistant One and Assistant Two; a minimum of 15 local members (in addition to the 5 members in the Chapter Management Team); and a list of activities that would be curried out in those countries, they will be our partners and our representatives.  each country will have only one chapter, other countries can connect and work with offices in the near-by countries. With planed year activities/programs

Our partners, will be allowed to visit and participate in our annual programs; events; activities; Classes; dialogue; conference and youth Exchange program 

chapter launch procedures

  1. Create the list of members for your country including information (email). You need to find 15 members in your region or country who would be interested in joining your chapter. Ideally, they should already be members or request membership in the main Great Lakes Networking Society.
  2. Designate the official manager of the chapter and 4 additional leaders. This can be yourself or any other Great Lakes Networking Society  of BC, member who is willing to serve as the first chapter Manager and should take care of the chapter creation and chapter activities during the first year.
  3. Chapter Manager: Creates a draft plan of chapter activities for the year (minimum 4 activities, one can be just a networking event). Start small, with a local networking event, to announce creation of the chapter, collect ideas for the chapter activities, spread the word, network and create valuable connections, then use those networks to attract more members/donors.
  4. GLNS will create a subgroup in LinkedIn for your chapter, will connect your country to the main website, FB, Instagram etc. The Chapter Manager needs to connect with GLNS on LinkedIn so that it can be added as the LinkedIn/WhatsApp subgroup. The name of your subgroup will be Great Lakes (name of the country).