Showing and demonstrating Respect in the Workplace, projects, Programs, and Events include

Treating others with courtesy, politeness, and kindness.  Listening to what others have to say before expressing our viewpoints, never speaking over, or interrupting others, listening, and stopping to formulate rebuttals and responses in the mind when there is need to focus on listening to others. 

Use others’ ideas to change or improve.  Our employees, volunteers and contractors know, we use their ideas or encourage them to implement those ideas into action to make change.  They have been taught never to insult, use name-calling, disparage, or belittle people or their ideas.  Not to constantly criticize, judge, demean, or patronize others.  

A series of seemingly trivial actions added up over time constitutes bullying – We train and talk to our employees/volunteers to be aware of their body language, the tone of voice, demeanor, and expression in all their interactions at work/programs/activities and or events.  We ask that they improve their ability to interact with others, Program managers, and supervisors based on the awareness they have learned/gained while dealing with other people and emotional intelligence.  We treat employees/volunteers/contactors fairly and equally. Treating people differently constitutes to harassment, discrimination, or a hostile, toxic work environment.  One of our mandates is Inclusion – meaning – We include all employees/volunteers, some willing community members in some planning meetings, discussions, training, and events. While not every person can participate in every activity, we do not marginalize, exclude, or leave out any one person on our programs. We provide an equal opportunity for all stakeholders to participate in committees, task forces, or continuous improvement teams. Encouraged praise and recognition among employees/volunteers, contractors, the Board, the Program, Project Managers as well, as our supervisors.