This is “What’s New” with Great Lakes Networking Society of BC. Read about our events, important information on how we approach ant-racism, celebrating Elder’s, raising youth and children to learn and grow in their cultures.

Race-Based Data Engagement Concert Saturday, December 18th, 2021 UBC Robson Square800 Robson Street Important information you need to know about Race-Based data collection in British Columbia.  Data Survey Form The B.C Government is committed to tackling systemic racism in public sector policies, programs, and services. Data is needed to better understand how Government policies, programs and services have…

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Read more about the article IDAOBC Family Cultural Dance and Storytelling Festival 2021
Mama Kombii Nanjalah with Stephen Lytton

IDAOBC Family Cultural Dance and Storytelling Festival 2021

Mama Kombii Nanjalah and Stephen Lytton were invited to join the Igbo Development Association of BC for their Family Cultural Dance and Storytelling Festival at the Aria Convention Centre in Surrey, BC. The evening started with speeches from prominent leaders of the African Community including President Emmanuel Ihejirika from the IDAOBC and our very own…

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Teaching Black History in Schools

As part of our educational goals, GLNS has joined Elementary Schools to facilitate learning Black History. Kombii Nanjalah has been instrumental in spearheading this initiative making sure to accurately retell the history of Black Pioneers, Slavery, and the history of People of African Descent around the World.   Pictured: Waverely Elementary School students sitting with…

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Covid-19 Update October 2021

Globally, efforts have focused on taking measures to contain the outbreak and prevent further spread.  An official global travel advisory and pandemic COVID-19 travel health notice are in effect, we ask citizens to avoid non-essential travel outside Canada until further notice.  Risk to Canadians - COVID-19 is a serious health threat, and the situation is evolving…

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We have outlined plans and policies in place related to current public health orders and restrictions Covid-19

Globally, efforts have focused on taking measures to contain the outbreak and prevent further spread.  An official global travel advisory and pandemic COVID-19 travel health notice are in effect, we ask citizens to avoid non-essential travel outside Canada until further notice.  Risk to Canadians - COVID-19 is a serious health threat, and the situation is evolving…

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Policies, procedures, and practices processes in place to support and promote fair remuneration, equitable employment, safe and respectful workplaces/activities places

(including human resource and management practices related to our projects/activities/events). Our annual and other projects/programs, activities and events involve working with individuals or materials from communities outside our own, particularly those that have been historically underserved, and we have in place the steps taken to collaborate with these communities, respecting protocols, integrating an equitable and…

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Improving Engagement

At GLNS engagement is key factor that promotes higher performances efforts, greater returns, and lower turnover. We explore the components of successful engagement initiatives, identifying strategies that creates stronger engagement in teams, and Capacity/Team building.  Counteracting Unconscious Bias - There is no such thing at GLNS as a workplace, Programs, Projects and or Events lacking…

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Showing and demonstrating Respect in the Workplace, projects, Programs, and Events include

Treating others with courtesy, politeness, and kindness.  Listening to what others have to say before expressing our viewpoints, never speaking over, or interrupting others, listening, and stopping to formulate rebuttals and responses in the mind when there is need to focus on listening to others. Use others' ideas to change or improve.  Our employees, volunteers and contractors know,…

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Determine Respect in the Workplace

Respect can be heard in a person's tone of voice, in their nonverbal communication, body language and in how they address. It can be observed by co-worker or supervisor listening and asking questions to make sure they understand the point of view.  We are judged, respected by the way our organization, superiors, and coworkers/volunteers/contractors treat each…

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Our MOTO to our employees/volunteers/contractors

Create a safer space/environment and always treat people in a respectful the way we would want to be treated. Recognize that, like you, coworkers, reports, and superiors have rights, opinions, wishes, experiences, competence, and they make mistakes, which are simply lessons to be learned. They have similar concerns and insecurities and share the common goal…

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Diversity and Inclusion at Work

The management of diversity and inclusion has evolved from a focus on compliance to a strategic-level effort with a demonstrated positive impact on an organization's performance. In the current business climate, we strive for both diversity and inclusion, achieving intended business results, which provide the proof that diversity and inclusion are much more than a…

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Responsibility to build and maintain a respectful workplace, programs, Projects, Activities, and Events

The responsibilities are shared by everyone in the BC Public Service, others, and that is where GLNS focuses.  At Great Lakes Networking Society of B.C we have in place policies, procedures and statements regarding Workplace, Programs, Projects, Activities, and Events behaviours and conducts which require all employees, volunteers, and contractors to behave respectfully, collaboratively and…

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Promoting diversity in the workplace, programs, Projects, Activities, and Events

Helps promote diversity at our Workplace, Programs, Projects, Activities, and Events, focusing on the Cross-cultural communication which is an invaluable skill. We believe that today, more than ever, we are likely to interact professionally with people from different cultural backgrounds.  Mutual respect is especially important in the workplace, programs, Projects, Activities, and Events - We ask…

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Updates to our Code of Conduct

We Promote a Respectful Workplace, programs, Projects, Activities, and Events... by defining and Communicating expectations. Our Leadership team is the example. We provide employees/volunteers with regular training, to be respectful and communicate appropriately.  We provide plans to address accessibility and safety of engagement, including but not limited to physical spaces, cultural safety, affordability, and accommodations…

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How Non-Indigenous Activists Support Indigenous People by Educating themselves and others.

How Non-Indigenous Activists Support Indigenous People by Educating themselves and others.  This is the focus of Great Lakes Networking Society of BC, working with Indigenous Peoples, Indigenous Organizations, and educational Institutes to educate other Non-Indigenous peoples, through Dialogue, Conferences and Workshops, organized by the Indigenous peoples who seat on our Board as Bord members.  It’s difficult to know where to jump into…

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